UT2003 - Nali Bricks
It's a 'Breakout' clone! It features:
- Completely 3D!
- 20 power-ups, including some UT2003 weapons.
- 7 levels arranged in a ladder, with a special treat when you complete the ladder.
- Loads of special effects.
- Custom sounds, textures, meshes etc.
- Easy to create custom content.
Nali Bricks:
Current version: 1.2, released 14th July 2003
NaliBricksv12.zip - 7.12MB
- Requires the DE bonus pack, available via the official UT2003 site.
Ji'Habou ladder:
Five extra maps arranged in a ladder. Significantly more challenging than the original maps.
JiHabou.zip - 14.0MB
- Requires Nali Bricks v1.2 or newer.
- Requires the Epic bonus pack, available via the official UT2003 site.